The Sunday Currently | Hopefully
Hello, July! We're halfway through 2017 already, how 'bout that? Things are going pretty well, if I do say so myself.
Back when I was still just daydreaming about what my life would be like so far away from home, I didn't really feel much aside from knowing that it's going to be difficult. Difficult because I will be so far away from my friends and family, difficult because I will have to carve my way into another industry that will pick me apart and judge me solely for my resume, difficult because I had grown so comfortable with the life I've always known.
But who ever grew stronger from hiding in comfort?
It has been 4 months since I hugged my mother goodbye at the airport, 4 months since I've eaten pork (and I miss it so much but it's probably for the best), 4 months since we set foot in a barely-furnished apartment, now cramped and our walls peppered with our personal effects. (Emman insisted on putting up the various posters he collected during his solitary time here. I could not be bothered to say no.)
reading nothing at the moment. Lately work has me slumped on my desk from the moment I arrive, so I don't have time this week to catch up on my reading list. Do restaurant menus and takeout brochures count, tho?
listening to the low hum of the A/C. I can't render artworks while I'm listening to music, and for the life of me I don't understand why.
watching HomeMadeModern's videos. The aesthetics just scream 'hipster', haha. I am very fond of these kinds of tutorial videos, even though it's highly unlikely that I'll be doing them myself any time soon; it simply isn't feasible for me and our living space. Despite that I still appreciate the contemporary feel of the DIYs, and I'm treating these as references for my projects in the far-off future when Jed and I finally have a house to call our own.
thinking of what to get for dinner, where to go for the next weekend, what should I wear tomorrow - that sort of unremarkable stuff. My life isn't filled with fireworks and explosions all the time, and I'm okay with that.
smelling that 'new shoe' smell, lol. A bunch of new orders just came in and they're rearranging the shelves with the new arrivals.
wishing for winter to come sooner, and never leave. The nights are noticeably much cooler, but I need MORE. Haha!
hoping this week would be just as easy as the last one. We had an immensely good time during Eid!
wearing a dress and a cardigan, just to mix things up. And also it's laundry day and I need to wash all my pants. It's difficult to choose a dress to wear because while they're quite decent enough they're still a tad too short. (I can't help wanting to show off my legs, and it's very hot outside.) I'll be getting myself some dark stockings and leggings to wear underneath them soon.
loving my new bag! Jed got me a backpack last week when we passed by a boutique during our nightly walks. I opted for a backpack so I can keep my hands free when roaming around, and I wouldn't have to worry about actually wearing it on my back because I'm not in the Philippines anymore, lol. It's so nice and roomy and has all the pockets I could ever want.
wanting something caffeinated and has chocolate in it. I may or may not head to Starbucks after my shift.
needing these damn adorable plushies.
feeling a bit hungry, as per usual. I got myself some crab paste the last time we went out for a grocery run and I'm really excited to eat it for dinner with my rice. I'll make some aligue pasta with it, too!
It has been a strangely quiet and mundane 4 months, not at all what I had pictured in my head weeks and weeks back. Once our routine was settled, it is as if we had always lived like this. No daily struggle, no battles to fight - just a gentle flux from one day to the next, and a train or two to catch to wherever we felt like going. More than once I catch myself looking forward to the next sunrise. More than once did I catch the first light with my own eyes, not the least bit tired despite being awake for more than 19 hours. I love every minute of those waking hours.
It has been 4 months since Jed and I had started living alone together. Things are going well, if I do say so myself.
• The Sunday Currently was originally created by Sidda Thornton •